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Soul Alchemy Reading: Scorpio New Moon & Solar Eclipse 2022 ♏️

Scorpio New Moon & Solar Eclipse Soul Alchemy Tarot Spread by Sally-Shakti Willow. Visionary Path Tarot deck by Lucy Delics. Wheel of the Year altar cloth by Yannick Dubois.

🌑 Moonthly Tarot Reading for Co-Creative Writers

This Soul Alchemy Tarot Spread starts with the card in the centre, anchoring us into the present moment, and works clockwise around the outer circle starting in the East - to South - to West - to North. Just like a sacred circle in the Celtic tradition. It follows the wheel of the year, and this reading is an invitation to explore what we are collectively Igniting (East), Illuminating (South), Healing (West), and Releasing (North) during this month from the Scorpio New Moon & Solar Eclipse (October 25th) until the Dark Moon in Sagittarius (November 23rd).

Wow, after last month’s spread full of reversals - when it seemed to be time to slow down and reconsider - this moon’s reading feels a lot more positive for our writing and creative projects. Last month, although I had ideas that I felt ready to initiate, I was still doing a lot to clear the ground and lean into the healing that is preparing for me for this new moon and solar eclipse in scorpio. In fact, I hardly wrote much at all last month, and as I’m writing this now, I feel unbearably tired, as if I’m typing through a dense layer of honey.

Maybe you’re feeling the same, as we collectively prepare to hurl ourselves - or be hauled - through the portal of this scorpio new moon eclipse that’s happening on October 25th.

The good news is, despite - or perhaps because of or in conjunction with - the energetic overhaul we’ll be experiencing as we get smooshed and smashed and reshaped through the eclipse season (on November 8th there’ll be a full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus, as well) - the cards look good for a creative month of writing ahead.

As we move into Scorpio Season, we’re invited to dive into the depths of what’s been hidden beneath the surface. It’s a time to clear out old beliefs that have been unconsciously shaping our thinking and writing, even as we honour the stories that have got us this far and make way for new structures to emerge.

Page of Swords at the centre - this is our anchor energy for the month ahead. Page of Swords is an initiator of intellectual stimulation, new thinking, ideas, connections and communication. This card supports us to bring our ideas down from the air realms and anchor them into the earth through the energy of initiation. Are you feeling more ready to start the project that’s been on hold for the past month, or do you have more clarity about a project that’ve you’ve recently been deeply reconsidering? This month we have the invitation to play, explore, communicate and connect - this is the youthful exuberance of putting ideas into action… or putting words onto the page.

6 of Pentacles in the East - this is what’s coming up for us as writers this month. 6 of Pentacles in this position gives us the nourishment and reward we’re ready to receive from rebalancing our energies and priorities through last month’s spread. With this card, we’re invited to become more visible and create mutually supportive connections with other people in our communities. Are there ways that you could share a little more of yourself or your expertise through your writing, that would benefit and nourish your readers? Are there ways you can nourish yourself through reading other writers that sustain your creativity in the times ahead? Creative connections and conversations can be mutually nourishing and supportive when we share what we have in abundance and open to receive what others are offering.

The Magician in the South - this is what’s being illuminated for us as writers this month. Magician is our first card in the Major Arcana that’s come up, and this suggests a bigger energy at play. This is likely to be illuminated strongly with November 8th’s full moon in Taurus and Total Lunar Eclipse. What are we being invited to see here? The Magician is a creative and an intuitive. Magician draws the intangible into form and gives birth to new ideas. Alchemising the energy of the elements - earth, air, fire, water and spirit - Magician brings creative magic into the world by listening within and then making change in the material world. What happens when we give this kind of space, understanding and reverence to our writing projects? When we allow them to whisper to us, to move through us, and to be shaped by us as we bring them into being?

The Emperor in the West - this is our healing card. The Emperor is the second of our Major Arcana cards, and both of these cards are in the first line of the tarot, meaning that we’re working with our ego-selves, the parts of ourselves that show up and make magic in the world. In this position, I’m interpreting the Emperor as the ways in which the patriarchal structures have dominated my thinking and creating in unhelpful ways. The over-masculinastion to keep pushing, and proving and producing. Our invitation is to heal this wounded masculine trope, finding creative joy in the balance between productivity and receptivity. Integrating the drive and desire to make and create so that we can call upon it when it serves us and remember that it’s part of a whole that also includes disintegration and rest.

5 of Cups in the North - this is the energy of what we are releasing. 5 of Cups is the card that invites us into grieving. It invites us to sit with the discomfort of intense emotions that may not outwardly appear to serve us or our writing. But what if we can create space to be present with this grief? I always encourage the writers I’m working with to keep a journal or notebook for free-writing all the emotional energy that we may not otherwise give ourselves an opportunity to feel. When we continually push our own feelings aside because we have a creative project to write, what we ultimately create is a suppressed well of emotion that will keep showing up in our writing and our life. Scorpio season invites us to dive deep into that well. Keep a journal by your side and allow yourself to write - to witness and be present with what has been hidden that needs to be seen. Letting the words flow onto the page helps to release the emotional energy from your body and your psyche. Allowing ourselves to feel and to grieve in this way can help to heal and integrate some of the wounding that we have habitually ignored. It can be surprising how much more space you might create for your writing, when you also give yourself space for your grieving.

Overall this feels to me like a powerful and positive reading for our writing community. There’s an energy of action, an invitation into a greater awareness of how and why we create, and an opportunity to come into a more productive balance between giving and receiving, doing and being, producing and feeling. This can ultimately serve to support both us and our writing.

If you’d like my support with your writing project, check out my Coaching page here.

If now feels like a good time to start integrating healthy new writing habits, I have 3 FREE Welcome Videos for you here.

All love and blessings for the moon cycle ahead.

Sally-Shakti x