Writing & Thriving Videos to get you started…
I’ve made 3 Free Videos to get YOU Writing & Thriving! Please click below each video to watch.
Writing & Thriving Intro with Sally-Shakti Willow
Hi, I'm Sally-Shakti - Welcome to Writing & Thriving!
The foundational practices of Writing & Thriving are:
🌀 Breathe
🌀 Move
🌀 Write
I developed Writing & Thriving out of my own need to take care of my own wellbeing - both *while* writing and *through* writing.
Writing & Thriving practices can support you to get unstuck, overcome writer's block, and get on with your writing project.
Writing & Thriving practices can also support you to meet yourself on the page - with compassion, awareness and love.
Writing & Thriving 3 Part Writing Practice with Sally-Shakti Willow
Learn how to overcome writer's block and complete your first draft with these simple, guided practices.
In this video, I guide you through a 3-part practice to support your writing, including:
📝 Pre-Writing
📝 Free-Writing
📝 Focused Writing
These are my tried & trusted writing practices that I return to every time I write! I share them with clients and groups, and now I am sharing them with you too.
📝 You’ll need a pen and paper to hand for this practice.
The Four Seasons of Writing & Thriving with Sally-Shakti Willow
In this video I explain how I use the four seasons in the northern hemisphere (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) as a model and foundation for my writing practice.
This seasonal cycle can help you to get unstuck with your writing, overcome writer’s block, and create finished content for ANY writing project.
The Four Seasons of Writing & Thriving (Visual)
1.Spring: Initiation
Writing the raw material
- Free-Writing
- Focused Writing
- First draft
2. Summer: Illumination
Seeing with objectivity
- Noticing what’s good & what can go
- Preparing your writing to be seen by others
3. Autumn: Curation
Creating structure and narrative
- Selecting, shaping & discerning
- Working your written material into its final form
4. Winter: Cultivation
Editing & Proof-Reading
- Refining your writing
- Completion and Celebration
- Letting go & moving on