Writing & Thriving Videos to get you started…

I’ve made 3 Free Videos to get YOU Writing & Thriving! Please click below each video to watch.

  • Image of Sally-Shakti Willow smiling

    Writing & Thriving Intro with Sally-Shakti Willow

    Hi, I'm Sally-Shakti - Welcome to Writing & Thriving!

    The foundational practices of Writing & Thriving are:

    🌀 Breathe

    🌀 Move

    🌀 Write

    I developed Writing & Thriving out of my own need to take care of my own wellbeing - both *while* writing and *through* writing.

    Writing & Thriving practices can support you to get unstuck, overcome writer's block, and get on with your writing project.

    Writing & Thriving practices can also support you to meet yourself on the page - with compassion, awareness and love.

  • Image of Sally-Shakti Willow smiling

    Writing & Thriving 3 Part Writing Practice with Sally-Shakti Willow

    Learn how to overcome writer's block and complete your first draft with these simple, guided practices.

    In this video, I guide you through a 3-part practice to support your writing, including:

    📝 Pre-Writing

    📝 Free-Writing

    📝 Focused Writing

    These are my tried & trusted writing practices that I return to every time I write! I share them with clients and groups, and now I am sharing them with you too.

    📝 You’ll need a pen and paper to hand for this practice.

  • Image of Sally-Shakti Willow smiling

    The Four Seasons of Writing & Thriving with Sally-Shakti Willow

    In this video I explain how I use the four seasons in the northern hemisphere (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) as a model and foundation for my writing practice.

    This seasonal cycle can help you to get unstuck with your writing, overcome writer’s block, and create finished content for ANY writing project.

  • A representation of the cycle of the four seasons with the Writing & Thriving Seasonal Cycle

    The Four Seasons of Writing & Thriving (Visual)

    1.Spring: Initiation

    Writing the raw material

    - Free-Writing

    - Focused Writing

    - First draft

    2. Summer: Illumination

    Seeing with objectivity

    - Noticing what’s good & what can go

    - Preparing your writing to be seen by others

    3. Autumn: Curation

    Creating structure and narrative

    - Selecting, shaping & discerning

    - Working your written material into its final form

    4. Winter: Cultivation

    Editing & Proof-Reading

    - Refining your writing

    - Completion and Celebration

    - Letting go & moving on