Soul Alchemy Reading: Libra New Moon 2022

🌑 Moonthly Tarot Reading for Co-Creative Writers

This spread starts with the card in the centre, anchoring us into the present moment, and works clockwise around the outer circle starting in the East - to South - to West - to North. Just like a sacred circle in the Celtic tradition. It follows the wheel of the year, and this reading is an invitation to explore what we are collectively Igniting (East), Illuminating (South), Healing (West), and Releasing (North) during this month from the Libra New Moon (September 25th) until the Dark Moon in Scorpio (October 24th).

What I see first is a lot of reversals - all of the cards except one are reversed. And all of the cards are in the minor arcana, the daily details of our writing lives. This coincides with a period of time astrologically when there are also 7 planets plus the moon’s nodes retrograde. It’s a time for looking back, reviewing, revisiting.

This, combined with the energy of the Autumn Equinox that we’ve just entered suggests to me that overall this is a time to re-evaluate where you’re at with your writing.

Have you just put a lot of energy into a project that is ready for revision? Do you have a piece that’s coming together more slowly than you’d like - and can you use that sense of delay to be extra diligent about what shape that piece might ultimately take?

7 of Pentacles Rx at the centre - this is our anchor energy for the month ahead. Something that we’ve been tending and growing for a period of time - perhaps what we’re harvesting creatively for this year - needs a little more growing time and patience before it’s really ready. Can you breathe into any discomfort you may feel around the pace your project is going, and utilise this time to make final checks and edits on the finer points and details? Mercury retrograde in Virgo also invites this kind of diligence and care around our thinking and communication. Written projects may need extra care and tending before they’re ready to release.

4 of Pentacles Rx in the East - this is what’s coming up for us as writers this month. For me, this feels like a deep invitation to rebalance our own energies - are we giving away more than we’re receiving in our writing life? Are we taking enough time for rest and self-care between our writing and our other responsibilities? It may feel challenging to give yourself that extra nourishment this month, but it will be worth it as you recenter and reprioritise.

Page of Pentacles Rx in the South - so this card really illuminates for me that new creative projects are not taking root just yet. Again, looking at the overall spread and this month’s astrology, it seems to be inviting deeper consideration and slower attention to really give those roots time to ground and grow. Is there a writing project that needs your extra care and attention this month? Or is there a project you can put on the back burner while you reconsider? It may feel tricky and frustrating to do this, but the extra time will give you deeper roots in the end.

Ace of Swords Rx in the West - this is our healing card, and it invites a real slowing down of the thinking mind - giving your intellect a break and even letting go of the need for inspiration as you truly let your mind rest and relax. I’ve been taking lots of Himalayan salt baths recently - what can you do to fully give your mind permission to relax, so that you can be open to new inspiration and ready to receive it when it comes?

3 of Wands in the North - the last card of the spread and this is not reversed, yet this is what we are releasing. 3 of Wands invites us to wait, to pause and prepare ourselves for the right moment to take creative action. It’s an invitation to take care of our own creative fire, our kundalini energy, and not waste it by moving out before the time is right. This is our releasing card for the month. So what I see here is that by the end of this moon cycle, we’ll be ready to release that sense of waiting - having worked through the frustration and discomfort that this time may have stimulated, we’ll have revisited a project, taken extra care and attention, allowed our minds to rest and relax, and THEN we’ll be ready to take up creative action again as we release the waiting and take our next creative steps at the exact right time.

There’s a lot of tension and uncertainty in this reading for the month ahead, but what I’m seeing ultimately is that we’re being invited into deeper diligence and trust - and that by caring for and cultivating our own creative energy we will be ready to move forward again when the time is right.

If you’re feeling stuck on a writing project and you’d like my support, check out my Coaching page here.

If now feels like a good time to turn within and get journaling, I have a FREE Journaling & Shakti Practices Course for you here.

All love and blessings for the moon cycle ahead.

Sally-Shakti x

Sally-Shakti Willow

Writing my PhD in Utopian Poetics showed me what it means to be a writer. I wrote four books of poetry and a 50,000 word thesis, and I started journaling as a way to ground and heal myself.

While I was studying, I also wrote and maintained the Contemporary Small Press website, writing regular reviews of new fiction and poetry published by small presses. I was on the judging panel for the 2018 Republic of Consciousness Prize for literary fiction from the small presses. So I was reading a lot of great writing too. And I co-developed and taught a series of workshops called WELLBEING WHILE WRITING for doctoral researchers at the University of Westminster.

WELLBEING WHILE WRITING used practical techniques from Creative Writing pedagogy to support PhD students of all disciplines with the work of WRITING their thesis. I also used my knowledge and experience of yoga and meditation to provide MOVING & BREATHING FOR WELLBEING workshops to graduate students at the University.

I’ve been teaching English since 2004 and I’ve been teaching Creative Writing at the University of Westminster since 2017.

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Writing the Wheel of the Year: Autumn Equinox 2022