😈 Dance & Write Your Dark Desires...

Sally-Shakti Willow with Drum & Dark Moon Headdress. Poetry Performance at Into the Wild, Summer 2022.

Sally-Shakti Willow with Drum & Dark Moon Headdress. Poetry Performance at Into the Wild, Summer 2022.

What would you write if you could say anything you desired and nothing was holding you back?

Have you ever felt small and silenced - unable to say what you mean when you're writing? 

🤭 Maybe you are worrying about what people will think, or that your truth doesn't fit. 

While I was writing my PhD, I was in a constant battle with myself about not fitting in. My poetry was too weird for an academic audience. And it was too academic for the hippies I was hanging out with... 

🤔 But a lot of that was my own perception, projection and insecurity. Over time, I started to find ways to share my poetry that resonated with people across the different contexts - and I started to find my people as a result. The people I resonated with most, because our frequencies aligned.

If I wasn't writing my truth and speaking my truth, I wasn't in my own integrity. And that showed up in all the ways my life was out of alignment. 

Since I completed my thesis, I've also been doing a deep dive into my own ancestral healing. Beginning to recognise and release the stories I've inherited and perpetuated that are no longer serving me. 

The more I write and journal, the more I see what's true for me. The more I move and breathe, the more I'm able to heal and release. 

This Samhain (Halloween), I'm inviting you to join me as we Dance & Write our Deep Desires - looking into our own shadows to heal, release and set ourselves free. 

On Wednesday 26 October, the New Moon will be in Scorpio, just after the preceding day's partial Solar Eclipse. It's time for a deep dive. 

😈Will you dare to enter the dark?😈

Wednesday 26 October, 4-6pm UK Time (BST). Online. 

Bookings open Monday 10 October at 10.10am. 

I hope to see you there! 👻

Sally-Shakti Willow in Devil Desire costume (Red Devil wig, burgundy feather boa & black basque)

Sally-Shakti x

Sally-Shakti Willow

Writing my PhD in Utopian Poetics showed me what it means to be a writer. I wrote four books of poetry and a 50,000 word thesis, and I started journaling as a way to ground and heal myself.

While I was studying, I also wrote and maintained the Contemporary Small Press website, writing regular reviews of new fiction and poetry published by small presses. I was on the judging panel for the 2018 Republic of Consciousness Prize for literary fiction from the small presses. So I was reading a lot of great writing too. And I co-developed and taught a series of workshops called WELLBEING WHILE WRITING for doctoral researchers at the University of Westminster.

WELLBEING WHILE WRITING used practical techniques from Creative Writing pedagogy to support PhD students of all disciplines with the work of WRITING their thesis. I also used my knowledge and experience of yoga and meditation to provide MOVING & BREATHING FOR WELLBEING workshops to graduate students at the University.

I’ve been teaching English since 2004 and I’ve been teaching Creative Writing at the University of Westminster since 2017.


Soul Alchemy Reading: Scorpio New Moon & Solar Eclipse 2022 ♏️


Soul Alchemy Reading: Libra New Moon 2022