Monday Morning Intention Setting

Creating a container for the week 🔮

Every Monday morning my calendar is blocked out with a bold yellow square announcing my intention to dedicate this time to: 

Every Monday morning my calendar is blocked out with a bold yellow square announcing my intention to dedicate this time to:

✨Spiritual Work - Intention Setting, Sigils, Affirmations, Visualisations, Meditation, Breathwork, Witchy Work, Vision Quests, Shakti Practices, Rituals, etc.🌟

It’s a way of ensuring that I start the week in the right vibration...

Of course, most weeks up to now, I have rarely actually fulfilled on this intention - the intention to set an intention - because I’ve busied myself with the things that have kept me busy.

I’ve paid some attention to it most weeks, but mostly by labelling the other work that I’m doing as a form of intention setting 🤷🏼‍♀️ Though occasionally I have really given myself that time and even taken out the drum to consolidate my efforts.

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Today I actually sat down with my card decks, notebooks and recently acquired Book of Shadows to really intensify my intention-setting intention.

Because I realised how important it is to create a container for transformation and expansion.

And when I say “container” I could just as well say “cauldron”, or “crucible” (say hello to container’s witchy and literary sisters!) ✨ because that’s where the magic happens.

When I intentionally create space for my practice, everything I write becomes a ritual.

So when I sat with my intention: I Speak My Truth with the Power of Love, Compassion & Clarity, I felt fully aligned with these three cards that I pulled:

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The first was a reminder that I am Whole and safe to speak my truth. This has been a big one for me. Even after I (relatively recently) learned to start speaking my truth, I hadn’t realised that I could still only do it if I first put on a load of armour and added a few choice weapons for protection. I still didn’t feel safe to speak my truth. I still didn’t feel safe to be fully myself. 

The second was the Three of Swords, telling me that I now have an integration process to go through as I step into this new intention and embody it. The image on the card - three swords pointing into an exposed heart - showed me that there will still be times when I feel unsafe to speak my truth, to bear my soul, to expose my heart to vulnerability. But it also shows me that ultimately I am safe - the challenges I feel around this are the ways that I will meet and integrate this new level of my own reality. Swords are the suit of Air - communication, speech, writing, thinking… So the messaging on this card is really spot on. 

The final card was a healing mandala card - the deck I’ve held the longest of the three. I work with this deck most frequently and feel very connected to its frequencies. As I held the deck and set the same intention as for the other two, I knew that the most powerful and appropriate card I could pull for this intention was the Throat Chakra card. And there it was! 

When I opened the book for a deeper insight, the card was telling me to Speak Up, Choose My Words Wisely, and Speak Truth Through Love. 


All of these things I welcome into my frequency now. 

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The booklet also reminded me that, “Understanding the power of one’s words is at the leading edge of humanity’s evolution.”


And that’s why I do what I do. 

Truly, I could not do or be anything else than who I am on this path right now. My calling is so strong and I have always known this. 

So, my invitation to you…

🐚 Set aside a regular time for your own intention setting ritual
🐚 Create a practice that resonates with you, and feel free to be flexible as it evolves and changes
🐚 Keep a journal of your intentions and read them back to yourself from time to time - note down what you witness as you walk your path

Sally-Shakti Willow

Writing my PhD in Utopian Poetics showed me what it means to be a writer. I wrote four books of poetry and a 50,000 word thesis, and I started journaling as a way to ground and heal myself.

While I was studying, I also wrote and maintained the Contemporary Small Press website, writing regular reviews of new fiction and poetry published by small presses. I was on the judging panel for the 2018 Republic of Consciousness Prize for literary fiction from the small presses. So I was reading a lot of great writing too. And I co-developed and taught a series of workshops called WELLBEING WHILE WRITING for doctoral researchers at the University of Westminster.

WELLBEING WHILE WRITING used practical techniques from Creative Writing pedagogy to support PhD students of all disciplines with the work of WRITING their thesis. I also used my knowledge and experience of yoga and meditation to provide MOVING & BREATHING FOR WELLBEING workshops to graduate students at the University.

I’ve been teaching English since 2004 and I’ve been teaching Creative Writing at the University of Westminster since 2017.

Jaguar Writing from the Jungle


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