Jaguar Writing from the Jungle

I recently spent time on a transformative retreat in Tulum, Mexico, where I met my deepest vulnerability and my power animal - the Jaguar.

In one initiatory practice, we were guided to write a letter to ourselves in the form of our power animal. I wrote to myself as Jaguar - and I’m sharing that message with you here for its medicine.

I recommend reading this OUT LOUD to yourself in the mirror:

Deep, dark, beautiful vibrant powerful Spirit -

You are Light.

You are Power.

You are Sacred.

You are Enough.

You are here to show up in your full power full essence full potential.

You carry the vibration of the New Earth

You carry the frequencies of Divine Light & Highest abundance

You are here to anchor those frequencies in the power and weight of your physical being.

You are elusive. You are silent & sleek.

You show yourself when you are called by those who know your name.

You are aligned with the highest vibrational frequencies & you reveal your insights & deep wisdom to those who seek you with pure intention.

You are powerful. Present. Passionate.

You have weight & depth & purpose.

You are sleek & soulful.

You are black & rainbow light.

You are rich & abundant with rainbow light within & beyond your physical body.

You rest in the branches of tall strong trees

You are supported by the weight & power of the Earth.

You wait in serenity & peace for those who seek to find you.

You reveal your essence in the purity of light through the darkness of dreaming.

You are never not yourself.

You are always full in your power, your peace, your passion. your purpose & your presence.

Sally-Shakti Willow

Writing my PhD in Utopian Poetics showed me what it means to be a writer. I wrote four books of poetry and a 50,000 word thesis, and I started journaling as a way to ground and heal myself.

While I was studying, I also wrote and maintained the Contemporary Small Press website, writing regular reviews of new fiction and poetry published by small presses. I was on the judging panel for the 2018 Republic of Consciousness Prize for literary fiction from the small presses. So I was reading a lot of great writing too. And I co-developed and taught a series of workshops called WELLBEING WHILE WRITING for doctoral researchers at the University of Westminster.

WELLBEING WHILE WRITING used practical techniques from Creative Writing pedagogy to support PhD students of all disciplines with the work of WRITING their thesis. I also used my knowledge and experience of yoga and meditation to provide MOVING & BREATHING FOR WELLBEING workshops to graduate students at the University.

I’ve been teaching English since 2004 and I’ve been teaching Creative Writing at the University of Westminster since 2017.

Everything I write is a Ritual


Monday Morning Intention Setting