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Writing & Thriving Conversations: Morgana Sophia

Sally-Shakti Willow and Morgana Sophia tune into the EXPANSIVE Gemini New Moon Energies! (Recorded 6 June 2024).

We packed a lot into our little conversation about Light Language, Word-Weaving, Ancestral Voices, Throat Chakra Clearing, and... Announcing our brand new BOOKS! 📚

In this video we:

💎Dive into our intuitive experiences and practices for working with the Gemini New Moon
💎 Explore the deeply embodied resonances between Ancient Ancestral Language and Cosmic Light Language
💎Share our stories about writing and publishing our forthcoming books
✨Starfire Leaders of the Age of Aquarius by Morgana Sophia
✨Writing & Thriving for Visionary Writers by Sally-Shakti Willow

Available 21 June 2024
VisionWeaver Press 💫