⚔️ Queen of Swords Writing Bootcamp ⚔️

Queen of Swords is about having the courage to show up and meet myself on the page — to face myself as I really am, not the ideal version of what I want to say.

It’s the opposite of perfectionism.

Unbalanced, she’s my fear and my inner critic.

But when I learn to integrate my own Queen of Swords energies, she becomes the courage I need to get my words down on the page. After that, she can become the clarity I need to edit what I have actually written.

Queen of Swords is the energy of creating firm boundaries and accountability — of reclaiming my writing time and sticking to it.

🖤 Are you tired of waiting for the perfect words to come?

❤️ Do you need to give yourself permission to reclaim your writing?

⚔️ Make a date with the Queen of Swords. She's waiting for YOU at the Writing Bootcamp!

Reclaim Your Writing Time

⚔️The Queen of Swords Writing Bootcamp⚔️

gives YOU firm boundaries and accountability to WRITE.

🖤 Overcome Writer’s Block

❤️ Let go of Perfectionism

🖤 Ditch Procrastination

❤️ Harness the Power of Speaking Your Truth

Wednesday 29th November, 10am-4pm (GMT). Online.

One-Day Structured Writing Retreat, with breaks: £66

VIP Offer including 1:1 Coaching (limited availability) during the event £111

Payment via PayPal Friends & Family. Full details sent to you via email before the event.

Sally-Shakti Willow as the Queen of Swords in red & black wig with sword

Get YOUR Words on the Page at the Queen of Swords Writing Bootcamp.

Morgan K Nichols

“I'm finding that writing together at appointed times can make more writing happen. Showing up, despite resistance, and doing 'the thing' - whatever that is - with good company on Zoom. I've been really valuing the space provided by writing mentor and friend Sally-Shakti Willow to do just this.”

Barby’s Words

“We did a lot of different kinds of practices to get the gabby-gabby-gabby-brain out the way, so that I could actually find the source of my writing.” Barby Asante.

Sally-Shakti Willow as the Queen of Swords in red & black wig with sword

Get YOUR Words on the Page at the Queen of Swords Writing Bootcamp.

The Queen of Swords Tarot Cards in the banner image are from: The Light Seers Tarot by Chris Ann, the Erotic Tarot by Sofie Birkin, and The Visionary Path Tarot by Lucy Delics.