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Writing & Thriving Enquiry: Autumn Equinox 2022🍂

Writing & Thriving through the Wheel of the Year with Sally-Shakti Willow 

Mabon – Autumn Equinox – 23 September 2022

🍂go within to find the stillness

of the balance

that dwells inside;

time to harvest

what’s created &

release what’s not aligned🍂

This time of the year in the northern hemisphere is a return to equilibrium with the day and night of equal length – all things in balance. Or are they?

Areas in our lives where we have been neglecting ourselves and our relationships are likely to come to the surface at this time, especially as both the sun and moon are moving into Libra for the New Moon.

It’s time to look within and notice where you are feeling the fullness of harvest celebration and where you are feeling the tension of things ready to fall away like autumn leaves.

It’s a moment for both/and.

To celebrate and to reflect. Gathering in the harvest of what we have created so far, we celebrate the abundance and also the collaborations that have made these gifts possible. At the same time, we may notice what’s no longer in alignment with our deeper needs and values – preparing to let it go with compassion and gratitude.

Writing & Thriving Enquiries for the Autumn Equinox and Libra New Moon (23-25 September 2022):

đź“ť Here are some journaling enquiries to support you to explore your relationship with your writing this Autumn Equinox and Libra New Moon.


🍂 It’s time to take stock of what you’ve created so far this year – if you have a writing project, is it on track? Do you need to take a break over the winter months? Or can you make time for editing and proof-reading what you’ve already written? Is there a new creative energy emerging to give you fresh impulse? If you feel completely lost, is there a structure you can create to support you and your writing project? The expansive energy of summer can be high and wide – this is the season to draw that down into embodied form and give it shape!


🍂 Are you creating balance and inner harmony with the amount of time, energy, space and commitment you are giving to your writing? Remember that your mind, body, emotions and spirit need commitment and compassion too. Are you over-giving to your writing and neglecting the other parts of you? Are you under-giving to your creative passion and feeling resentful of other commitments that take you away from your writing?


🍂 Is there anything you can release or let fall away to bring you into greater balance at this time?


Both writing-time and self-care are an enormous privilege in today’s world. These aren’t things to be taken for granted or taken lightly, and I acknowledge that not everyone has access to these in the ways that we might want. If there are any small adjustments you can make in your own personal reality to give yourself even 1% more writing-time or self-care commitment than you had before, welcome this opportunity and celebrate yourself! You’re on the right path.
