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Tarot & Astrology Reading for Your Writing Week Ahead: 6-12 February 2023

We're fully in the energy of Imbolc and the Leo Full Moon this week - giving us forward momentum and motivation like we may not have felt since before the Winter Solstice! 🌟

Mercury passes out of its shadow on Tuesday, really supporting us to move our writing projects forward.

With the Moon moving through Virgo and Libra, we'll really have a clear focus for editing and discernment - but take care not to let that tip over into self-doubt, self-criticism and self-judgement...

Two of Pentacles reversed invites us to look for ways of creating greater work-life balance with our writing projects and finding ways to honour both our need and desire to write *and* our need to rest and restore.

I recommend (always!) having a personal journal by your side for giving awareness and attention to the emotions that may be arising as you write.

All this and more in today's video.

Message me if you'd like to arrange a personal reading for you and your writing project!

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