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Tarot & Astrology Reading for Your Writing Week Ahead: 20-26 February 2023

♓️ Strong Pisces energy this week is inviting us to listen deeply into the void as we open to receive inspiration for our writing projects and manifesting an intentionally creative life.

♍️ Pisces opposite sign - Virgo - can support us with discerning what's real and true, helping us to recognise what needs to stay and what needs to go as we are also invited to radically edit what we've created: both on the page and in our lives.

🔥 2 of Wands shows up to remind of us the balance we are cultivating in our inner creative fire.

A writing invitation this week:

✍🏽 Try 'writing yourself into being'. Write the story or biography of yourself (in first or third person) in a situation that you are creating in your life - perhaps a new vision that's coming through for you. Write yourself into that situation - be detailed, sensory, imaginative - to explore how it feels for you somatically when you put yourself in that situation.

This may support you to discern whether or not something is right for you now, as you open to receive new downloads for future possibilities from Pisces' deep waters of infinite creation.

💜 This week's Tarot deck is The Visionary Path Tarot by Lucy Delics 💜

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