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Tarot & Astrology for Visionary Writers 3-9 April 2023

♎️ If you're feeling a little off-centre this week, it could be the invitation of the Libra Full Moon to come back into balance and realign with your Creative Vision.

✨ There's a lot of strong energy in the air at the moment! We're really moving through some powerful processes of realignment and reorientation as we find ourselves in the middle of two Aries New Moons!

What have you been creatively calling in?

What will you need to let go in order to fully receive it?

☀️ This week's Tarot & Astro video explores the current energies and how they might be showing up for you as a Visionary Writer or Creative.

⬇️ You can watch the video below!

✍🏽 And grab your notebook, as I invite you to journal with these 3 Libra Full Moon enquiries:

📝 Where do I feel in alignment in my life?

📝 What are the new intentions I am calling in?

📝 How can I rebalance any tensions between what I am creating and my old patterns of behaviour that no longer serve?

I recommend spending up to 15 minutes with these enquiries (3-5 minutes for each one), to really dive deep in a held and supported way.

💖 It takes courage to show up and meet yourself on the page. Celebrate yourself with compassion every time you do it!

🤔 Are you looking for a Visionary Writing Guide who can help you to commit to a regular writing practice in your life?

❤️‍🔥Or do you have the Creative Vision to write your book, but don't know where to start?

💌 Get in touch to find out how we can work together.

I love to support you to do what you love to do!


Sally-Shakti x

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