Writing & Thriving

for Curious & Co-Creative Writers

Book Review – The Path to Forgotten Freedom

The Path to Forgotten Freedom is a book that gives us practical tools for Ancestral Healing. And it is high time we used them. Nicola’s book is a powerful tool in our own reclamation of self-worth, self-care and self-responsibility in an increasingly collective world.

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🌕 Full Moon in Cancer Journaling Practice

🌕 Today’s Full Moon Opens Up the Ancestral Healing Axis 🌕

THIS - I feel - is the deep significance of all this Moony Cancerian energy that we're going to be feeling so strongly right now, and throughout the rest of the year.

As all our external (and internal) structures continue to fall away and be remade at a rapid rate of personal and collective transformation, my sense is that we are being asked to keep excavating our own inherited wounds, traumas, stories and beliefs more and more deeply than ever before.

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