A gift & an invitation for you đź’•

It’s been a while since I have been creating new content for myself, and moving with the rhythms and flows of my own creative energies. My recent reconnection with ritual poetry co-creation on the beach at Church Cove in Cornwall marked a really welcome return to my deep inner creative flow.

Something I’ve learned more than anything in the first 3 months of 2022 - as I’ve journeyed through the dark winter season of dreaming and releasing - is to trust the timing of my own body. To listen to what it is that I really need, and truly desire. To let go of all the “shoulds” that my mind would have me doing, tying myself up in knots and going round in circles…

So it’s with a deeper sense of embodiment that I come back into connection - with myself, with you, with others.

I’ve made something I’d like to share with you - a grounded gift that I feel is a useful practice for any writer working with any writing project.

The 4 Seasons of Writing & Thriving is a short video that talks you through the seasonal cycles of any writing project. It’s the foundation of my own writing practice, and it’s a process that I’ve shared with hundreds of writers over the past four years. Now I’m making it available to you for free, as the starting point of a conversation about writing that feels timely and necessary. It’s just the basics in a 15 minute video. But I believe that even this is enough to make a tangible difference to your writing life.

You can get the video by clicking here: writingpractice

And I have an invitation for you, too.

TODAY, Monday 4 April with the energy of the New Moon in Aries, I’ll be sharing a Writing & Thriving Practice on the Writing & Thriving Facebook Page & in the Writing & Thriving Spiral Group.

I would love to see you there.

Sending love in these troubled times,

Sally-Shakti x

Sally-Shakti Willow

Writing my PhD in Utopian Poetics showed me what it means to be a writer. I wrote four books of poetry and a 50,000 word thesis, and I started journaling as a way to ground and heal myself.

While I was studying, I also wrote and maintained the Contemporary Small Press website, writing regular reviews of new fiction and poetry published by small presses. I was on the judging panel for the 2018 Republic of Consciousness Prize for literary fiction from the small presses. So I was reading a lot of great writing too. And I co-developed and taught a series of workshops called WELLBEING WHILE WRITING for doctoral researchers at the University of Westminster.

WELLBEING WHILE WRITING used practical techniques from Creative Writing pedagogy to support PhD students of all disciplines with the work of WRITING their thesis. I also used my knowledge and experience of yoga and meditation to provide MOVING & BREATHING FOR WELLBEING workshops to graduate students at the University.

I’ve been teaching English since 2004 and I’ve been teaching Creative Writing at the University of Westminster since 2017.


A little conversation about Light Language


Spring Equinox & Rising Creative Energy