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🌑 Sagittarius New Moon Writing Ritual

In the Shadow of the Sagittarius New Moon

I feel frustrated. with so much creative energy and without a clear direction. like, what am i actually doing? We’re in the last degrees of scorpio as i write this — day 9 of my bleed cycle so I have this rising energy that wants to manifest and see results. But I don’t know what to do with it and how to shift it. I don’t know where to aim that arrow of the centaur that’s rising up. i want to write. and i feel like i need a writing plan for myself.


If, like me, you’ve been feeling frustrated with the end-of-scorpio-season energies, you might like to take that energy into the new moon on Wednesday.

This timing for me coincides with crossing over into the spring phase of my menstrual cycle, so I’m feeling a rising creative energy without a clear sense of direction yet for how to focus it. My unconscious habit is to keep starting things without completion, as I keep searching for *the thing* that’s going to fulfil me.

Deep Scorpio. I’m feeling this welling up of a deep, driving desire, but I don’t quite know what it is. It’s still in the shadows. I know want to write. I know I want to create. I know I want to be part of a community who are co-creating together.

I’m familiar with this frustration that’s always been with me, always there beneath the surface, the frustration that both drives me and destroys me at the same time. It’s my desire to make a difference, have an impact, be seen. It’s my desire to matter. To be of value. To have worth.

This desire pushes me to create, without always knowing what my longer-term goal is, without a real sense of direction or purpose — and then look around me at all the people I perceive to be creating, making a difference, reaching their goals and having an impact. It fuels my jealousy on these days when I feel like nothing’s happening and nothing I do is changing enough. mattering enough. being enough.

The New Moon in Sagittarius can bring a welcome spark of direction to Scorpio’s deep desires. If, like me, you’ve been sensing into the depths of your belly that there’s something driving you but you’re not sure what it is — Sagittarius is here to light a torch and fire it in the direction of your dreams.

In the late degrees of Scorpio, I’m feeling a deep restlessness. Like there’s a desire starting to burn within me that’s almost at the surface of my awareness. Sagittarius will illuminate that desire and help me to move in the direction of my intention.

Ritual Writing Prompts for the Sagittarius New Moon:

📝 What — deep down — do you really desire? Breathe into the depth of your belly to tune in and listen to what’s whispering to you.

📝 What clear intention is calling to you from where your soul has already manifested your vision? Breathe into the fire above your navel to check in with what’s true for you.

đź“ť What aligned actions can you take to move you in the right direction? Breathe from the base of your pelvis to your heart and back down again to anchor your intention into your reality.

This Sagittarius season, invite your soul to show you where it wants you to go; and allow it to guide your body to show you how it wants you to get there.

Join me for a New Live Moon Journaling session on Wednesday 23 November at 6pm GMT.

Sally-Shakti Willow