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🌑 New Moon Journaling Practice: Pisces New Moon February 2023

This is a New Moon with a lot of positive power and supportive energy!

Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces on February 15th opens us up to our Soul's Highest Calling - inviting us to get a more cosmic perspective on our recent enquiry from the Leo Full Moon: How do I desire to show up and shine?

Venus calls us into a greater sense of self-worth and self-value - especially, perhaps, if we have consciously or unconsciously devalued our own dreams and visions up to now. So often we have learned and inherited beliefs that our creative impulse is not enough, it's not a real job, it has no value in the real world.

♓️ This Pisces New Moon is asking us to look again at those creative dreams we've carried with us throughout this lifetime - or perhaps many - to give greater value to what we're really here to do, who we're really here to be.

The greatest revelation here is that the thing we've always wanted but never dared to hope for - that's THE THING that we are here to manifest in this lifetime, and by doing so we are not being selfish and lazy, we are actually fulfilling our Soul's Highest Calling in service to the collective.

🤩 So, if you're a Visionary Writer, you might be beginning to look at how you can make your visionary writing project a reality. Starting with something as small - but significant - as "How can I make 15 minutes in my day to be with my writing practice?". All the way up to "How can I make my writing practice sustain me financially so that I can share my vision and be of greatest service?"

🌍 Saturn will be moving across this Pisces New Moon point 3 times this year - giving us the maturity to bring our creative vision into form in the material world.

All this and much more in the video!

✍🏽 Your Journaling Enquiries for this Pisces New Moon:

📝 What do I desire?

📝 How can I give greater value to my Soul's Highest Calling?

📝 What would it mean - and what would it look like - for me to prioritise my own creativity as an expression of my service to the collective?

💗 That's a big question! It may take us the rest of this year to explore it. But we can start here, now, in the portal of this Pisces New Moon.

And if you are a Visionary Writer, come and check out what's happening over at writingthriving.com or find me on Instagram and Facebook @writingthriving

Let's support each other to manifest our creative vision in the world!

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