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πŸŒ• Full Moon in Cancer Journaling Practice

πŸŒ• Today’s Full Moon Opens Up the Ancestral Healing Axis πŸŒ•

Some Astrologers say that the first significant moon of the year (either a Full Moon or a New Moon) will set the tone for the entire year to come. 

I don't have enough experience of astrology to know whether or not that's true, but I have noticed a few things in relation to today's Full Moon in Cancer. 

πŸŒ• The FIRST significant moon of 2023 is the Full Moon in Cancer

πŸŒ• Numerologically, 2023 is a 7 year (2+2+3=7) and the Tarot teachers I listen to equate that with The Chariot card (card 7 in the Major Arcana), which is ruled by Cancer. From that perspective, the whole year is ruled by the sign of Cancer as we shed our old hermit crab shell and scuttle towards our soul's next (as yet unknown) temporary place of dwelling.

πŸŒ• The LAST significant moon of 2023 is ALSO the Full Moon in Cancer, happening on 27 December this year, just as Chiron (the Wounded Healer) also goes direct. 

Ok, that's a lot of astrobabble, which may or may not mean much to you. It feels meaningful to me. 

Today's Full Moon in Cancer is happening at 16 degrees of Cancer, opposite the Sun at 16 degrees of Capricorn. According to the Astrologers I listen to, that degree point happens to be the Ancestral Axis. 

THIS - I feel - is the deep significance of all this Moony Cancerian energy that we're going to be feeling so strongly right now, and throughout the rest of the year. 

As all our external (and internal) structures continue to fall away and be remade at a rapid rate of personal and collective transformation, my sense is that we are being asked to keep excavating our own inherited wounds, traumas, stories and beliefs more and more deeply than ever before. 

We were all born into a Patriarchal world - with its hierarchies and superiorities and separation and individualism; with its colonialism and racism and violence and oppression. 

Almost all of us still carry the wounds of separation from our Ancestors. We grieve the severance from our Ancestral lands and practices. We mourn our lost kinship with human and non-human communities of co-creation and support. 

We have been taught to forget and relinquish our co-creative powers, and to give away our money, time, energy and resources for the creation and preservation of this world in which we may never have even felt like we fully belonged.

And. We have all also inherited and internalised those same power structures from which we also unconsciously benefit and that keep us still separated from others and ourselves. 

For me, my sense is that this will be the year - collectively and individually and personally - that we will really be invited to grapple with that paradox and reconcile it in ourselves. 

That we are all being invited to see where we have inherited ancestral wounding, andwhere we have inherited structures of power and privilege. And to do the work of ancestral healing - which, for me, absolutely includes the work of decolonisation. This, for me, is the combined work of looking within to see - not only where we are holding onto inherited ancestral wounding that we no longer wish to carry forward - but also where we are carrying the privileges and remnants of a patriarchal belief system that can only create the kinds of harm and destruction that we see all around us.

The most potent way to hasten the undoing of that structure - and our big invitation for this year - is to notice it and undo it in ourselves first. 

This is not easy work and there's no fast fix, there's also no right or wrong way to do it. The strongest medicine it calls for is radically honest self-enquiry, and radically tender self-compassion. 

πŸ“ What are the ancestral inheritances that you are grateful for in your life?

πŸ“ What are the ancestral inheritances that you are ready to release?

πŸ“ How can you be compassionate with yourself and others as you do the excavation work of radical self enquiry?